St. Louis Area Tuckpointing Projects of Years Past
St. Louis Tuckpointing Projects: Revisited!
After performing countless tuckpointing and masonry projects over the years throughout the St. Louis area, we often find ourselves in neighborhoods where we have already worked, often by referral. It is always exciting to revisit projects we completed years ago and see them as beautiful and intact presently as the day we left.
We wanted to take a moment to show you a few current snapshots of projects we have recently stumbled back across while working on neighboring homes and businesses!
Below are a few current pictures of past completed St. Louis tuckpointing projects.
Dogtown Tuckpointing
Year: 2008
The first two are from St. Louis’ Dogtown neighborhood; a home we completed in the Spring of 2008. We repointed the complete home in a concave joint profile with a dark buff color. The window sills and other decorative brickwork were tuckpointed with a natural mortar color.
Clayton, Mo Tuckpointing
Year: 2009
The following two pictures are from a Clayton, MO home tuckpointed in the Summer of 2009. We are especially proud of this home as we were also contracted to repoint the walkway leading from the front of the home. Repointing flatwork, i.e. brick walkways, stone walkways, brick patios, stone patios, require the knowledge and experience needed to restore a product with the durability to last – especially in St. louis’ climate. Many variables factor (stone and brick type, mortar type, bonding agents, foundation, drainage, etc) in creating a system to last. As you can see, this walkway is still going strong, 5 years later! (Yeah, yeah, I should have swept the walkway a bit)
Clayton, Mo Tuckpointing
Year: 2007
The final two pics are from another Clayton, MO home completely tuckpointed in the Summer of 2007. This was tuckpointed with a concave joint profile in a red tinted mortar. Also, we historically restored the stone mortar joints with a ribbon joint to enhance the beauty and provide some geometric order.
Thanks for taking a moment to check out a couple of our tuckpointing projects of years past! We will continue to post more as we come across them, for those who are interested in bricks and mortar o_O We love feedback…feel free to leave comments below!
And remember, we offer free, no obligation tuckpointing and masonry estimates and consultations!